Sunday, November 22, 2009

मार्स दोष

When is Mars called evil or When it cause “DOSHA”
Mars occupying 1,2,4,7,8 and 12 houses counted from Lagna, Moon and Venus is said to cause “Mars Dosha.”
It is said that the evil results of Mars, when counted from Venus, is much more pronounced then when it is in houses 1,2,4,7,8 and 12 counted from Moon. Evil results of Mars from Moon are more evil than those counted from Lagna. Lagna is not as much as it is when counted from Moon. In fact the dosha caused by the position of Mars counted from Venus is the strongest (very very bad).
If Mars is in Aries then it is the 4th to Capricorn or 7th to Libra. Therefore those born with Lagna or Moon are Venus in Capricorn or Libra, having Mars in Aries, will be free from Mars Dosha. Mars in the 8th house is not so bad. Mars Can cause delay in fixing the marriage.
If Mars occupies either Aries or Scorpio which it owns or its exalted sign Capricorn or its debited sign Cancer and if those happen to be either the 4th or 7th counted from or the sign occupied by Moon or Venus, the evil results of Mars will be warded off. Mars may be in 1,2,4,7,8, and 12 houses from Lagna, Moon or Venus. If it is in Aries and Scorpio own sign there is no Mars Dosha. Venus sign cannot do harm if it is 4th or 7th house. Mars in Mercury signs will have its evil results warded off if it is in 2nd house. Mars has no dosha in house owned by Sun, Moon and Saturn. Evil results of Mars cannot operate if sign occupied by Mars is ruled by Jupiter and happens to be the 8th.
Nature of Mars
When mars owns beneficial houses and occupies favourable sign, Mars gives courage, boldness and a go-ahead spirt. Mars offers robust health. Success in attempts and victory over enemies are promised by Mars. To property and building, Mars has to be well posited in a horoscope. To avoid a accidents and injuries and to occupying favourable houses.
When Mars become evil by owing bad houses (6,8,12) or by occupying such houses, it makes one arrogant, adamant and atrocious. The person will be extravagant, impulsive and rash. Haste brings about waste. He will lose honour, money and position. He or She will have no peace, be ever quarrelling and violent. Disharmony, dispute and difficulties are the malefic effects of Mars. Accidents, injury, death by fire, wound, burns and even murder are the horrors of Mars.
When parents attempt to fix the marriage of their sons and daughters, the so-called Mars Dosha, interpreted by the astrologers according to the their whims and fancies, confuses them due to varying opinion given by them. When the wife is in family way there should be no albumin in the urine. At the time of delivery , surgeon’s aid is to be sought for. Mars can cause profuse bleeding, haemorrhage. It will be seen that Mars has to be bad in the horoscope of the bride especially. Mars will act like a Kings. Probably that is why people are frightened about MARS DOSHA.

“ Dhampathyor Janmakalae
vyaya dhana hpukae sapthamae
Lagna ranthrae Lagnacha,
Chandracha sukrath abi Bavathi”
“Dhanae vyayae cha Pathalae
Jamithrae cha ashtamae Kujae”
“Lagna (Ascendant), Indu (Moon), Sukrath (Venus), Dussthanae 6,8,12”
Are the authorities to decide when Mars becomes an evil. Here the sages have not taken into consideration, the nature and the lordship of sign occupyie by Mars, its other connections, etc. They go step by step. First they mention the houses, which, when occupied by Mars, cause MARS DOSHA.
Mars occupying the 1,2,4,7,8 and 12, houses (signs) counted from Lagna, Moon and Venus is said to be cause “TRIPLE MARS DOSHA”.
House 1
Here is said that Mars in the 1,2,4,7,8 and 12, If conjoined with or aspected by either Jupiter or Mercury loses its evil results.
If Mars occupies Leo ruled by Sun or cancer owned by Moon, or its own signs Aries and Scorpio or exalted sign Capricorn or friends quarters, it does not continue to be evil.
House 2
If Mars occupies own signs or Mithuna and kanya, i.e., the house owned by Mars and Mercury and happened to be the second house counted from or Moon or Venus, there is no evil effect.
House 4
If Mars occupies venus sign, Libra or Taurus, or its own signs and it happens to be 4th house, there can be no Mars dosha.
House 7
Even thought Mars in 7 is said to be harmful, yet if it is in Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn there is no dosha.
House 8
Therefore Mars occupying the sign of Jupiter, Sagittarius or Pisces or debilitated sign Cancer, or exalted sign Capricorn. if it happens to be the 8th sign counted from Lagna, Moon and Venus, cannot cause damage.
Eight house shows the difficulties of the native and the finance and fortune of partner, as well their longevity.
Eight house is called Mangalya Sthana, i.,e., the duration of married life. Mars situated in this house is therefore evil.
House 12
If Mars occupies the sign owned by Mercury or Venus and if it happens to be 12th house counted from Lagna, Moon or Venus, it loses its effects. If Mars occupies the 12 house both the bride’s and the bridegroom’s charts, the evil results of one will cancel that of other. They will agree.
Jupiter and Mars within 8digree show no evil through Mars. If Jupiter occupies the 12th house to Mars i.,e., if Mars is in the 2nd house counted from Jupiter, there will be delay in getting married.
One will find many more agreements observed by ancestors before fixing up a Marriage. Thus:
1, 27 Star are classified into three groups:
(a) Male or masculine stars.
(b) Female or feminine stars.
(c) Effeminate stars.
Female stars are Ashlesha, Magha, Poorvaphaguni, Uthraphaguni, Arudhra, Bharni, Chittra, Swathi, Visakha, Poorvashada, Utharashada,Jyeshtha, Dhanishta and Sarwana.
Effeminate stars are Mrigshira, Shatbhisha and Moola.
All other stars are masculine. Ashwani, Kritika, Rohani, Punarvasu, Pukhya, Hasta, Anuradha, Poovabhadar pada and Revati.
If the bridegroom is born in the masculine star and bride in the feminine stars, agree satisfactorily. But if the bride is born in masculine stars and the bridegroom in any one of the feminine stars, they will not match. If one of feminine stars, the agreement may be classified as fair. So also if the effeminate star and male star born are combined, the result will be moderate.
If both the couple are born in masculine stars they can be matched. So also, if both are in feminine stars, they also concord.
Now here is it mentioned what the result would be, if a girl born in a masculine star marriage a boy in a feminine star. Nor has it been said what for this agreement considered.
Thus, Ashawani, Bharani, Kritika, and Rohani are called Aroha Rajju. Mrigashara is called Siro Rajju.Arudra, Punarvasu, Pshyam and Ashlesha are called Avaroha Rajju.
Threfore 1st,10th and 19th stras belong to Aroha and the 9th, 18th and 27th stars to Avaroha of “FOOT”
Stars 2nd, 11th and 20th belong to Aroha and 8th, 17th and 26 to Avaroha of “Thigh”.
Stars 3rd, 12th and 21st belong to Aroha and 7th, 16th and 25 belong to Avaroha of “Navel.”
Stars 4th, 13th and 22nd belong to Aroha and 6th, 15th and 24th belong to Avaroha of “Neck.”
Stars 5th, 14th and 23rd belong to Siro Rajju.
If both bride’s star and bridegrooms star belong to the same group, it is said that they do not agree. For Example, if the girl is born in Rohani, Neck Rajju and the boy is born Aroha in Hastham or sarwana which also belong to the same Aroha Neck Rajju, then one should not predict that they concord. According to this rule, they should not be matched. But if the stars is of the bride and bridegroom belong to different groups, i.,e., if the Rajju are different e.,g., one Neck and the other navel etc., they agree satisfactorily according to this rule. This is considered as very good.
If the stars of both the bride and the bridegroom belong to Arohana in different groups it is excellent.
Even though they may belong to different groups and one is Arohana and other is Avarohana, the agreement is fair.
If the stars of the couple belong to different groups but both are in Avarohana, it is not satisfactory.
Even if they belong to same Rajju, if one’s star is in Arohana and other is avarohana, they may be matced. It is classified as fair.
If you remain unmarried and if you desire to have a very soft husband dream in the night that you had a tailor for your beau. Also dream that you pleased with him. Then this dream indicates that you will marry a gentle, modest and soft person who will allow you to be both mistress and also master from the time of marriage. There is a popular rhyme which runs as follows:
The maid who dreams a tailor she would wed will marry one who’ll be a log in bed:
And she’ll be master, too, all his riches,
And in the vulgar parlance. “Wear the breeches”
Points to be Considered For Marriage
Which are the planets which are connected with marriage and married life?
Sukra(Venus) is considered to be the chief governor of the affairs concerning marriage. It should be reckoned more especially if it happens to be a significator of the houses to be judged in this respect. Houses 2,7, and 11 have to be perused.
In traditional Hindu astrology only the 7th house and the planets ruling and occupying it are taken in to account. This very inadequate. NUCLEAR-STELLER-SYSTEM (Astrology) goes further and tells us that apart from the 7th house which is Kalathrasthana the 2nd house and from the 11th house should also be examined. The 2nd house denotes “Kutumba” family, all those members closely allied to the native by birth or by connection. The 11th house stands for pleasure and permanent or lasting friendship. Therefore, the houses to be referred are 2,7 and 11.
Happiness and birth of a children if Punarvasu girl marries Hastam boy.
Just opposites results will be experienced by a Jyeshtha girl if she takes a Satthayam boy.
Mrigshira girl will lose early her husband born in Moolam boy.
Hastam girl should not venture to marry a Moolam boy.
Many children are borh to Rohani girls by marrying Magha boy.
Poorattathi girl will be the mother of many issues if she husband is born in Rohani.
Ashwani girls get dejected by having many daughters, one after the other if she her husband is born in Punarvasu boy.
Swati girls give consolation to Ashwani girl as she also brings forth many daughters as her husband would have been born in Uthiradam star(7th).
Revati girls with Aardhra boys and uthraphalguni girl with Jyeshtha boys do not lead a happy life. There will be no understanding among the couple. Gradually, they hatred and sooner or later decide once for all to be ever inimical. A few will get separated.
If the girls stars Magha, she will have children, but they will be wicked.
Vishskha girls star will hate Sarvana husband.
Sarvana girls will divorce Ashwani boys.
Uthirattadhi girls lose their husbands early by marrying the boys born in the 7th stars.
“Pen Moolam Nor Moolam” That girls born in Moolam stars are very unfortunate and wherever she goes, will take with her “Misfortune” In reality there is no truth in such proverbs. It is absurd.
If the rashi of the boy is 6th, there will be loss of children.
Part 4
Jupiter or Venus being the Lord of the sub of 7th cusp and being significator of 2 or 11.
Mercury, Moon or Sun the significator of 7th receiving beneficial aspect the significator of 2 or 7.
Sun or Moon in 7 with mutual good aspect from the other being the significator of 2 or 7.
Venus in 1 or 2 or any of the Upachaya sthanas, receiving good aspect shows peace, pleasure and prospereity after marriage provided it is not in the sub of the significator of 6, or 10 or 12. if it has both good and bad aspects, during the conjoined period of Venus and the planet forming During the period forming evil aspect there will be disagreement and dissatisfaction.
(a) If the 7th cusp falls in the constellation of Sun or sub of sun, repulsion-no pleasure.
(b) If the 7th cups falls in the constellation of Moon or sub of Moon, very pleasant, like Honey Moon.
(c) If Mars rules, during union silly quarrel male forces female to have intercourse-displeasure exceeds pleasure.
(d) If Mercury governs, expresses one’s desire, talks a lot of time and enjoys more than once to complete the course as there could be some disturbance while on.
(e) If Jupiter is the lord, normal, pleasant, dutiful.
(f) If Venus rules 64 varrieties of leela. Both will have extreme pleasure.
(g) If Saturn is the lord, after--, dissatisfation, displeasure, disharmoney. Duration very short.



  1. thank you sir you have given a good knowledge about marsdosh


  2. :-अष्ट्भुजी दुर्गा = सरस्वती, १० भुजी महाकाली= गौरी और १६ भुजी महिषासुर मर्दनि = महालक्ष्मी.[ ८ भुजाओन से युक्त दुर्गा सरस्वती है, १० भुजाओन वाली माता महाकाली गौरी का सवरूप है और १६ भुजां वाली माता महालक्ष्मी कहलाती है! " TEENON SAWROOP MILKAR 1 ROOP BANATI HAIN JISE GAYTRII KAHTE HAIN!
